Thursday, March 14, 2013

Self Aware

self-conscious: aware of yourself as an individual or of your own being and actions and thoughts; "self-conscious awareness";...
As a wrap-up to our unit on Light and Color, I invited a middle-school student to teach my class about pointillism, which was the subject of her art project. To prepare for her visit tomorrow, I brought my class to the computer lab to look for some pictures we could color.

[caption id="attachment_71" align="alignright" width="240"] Self Aware Robotics by The Rocketeer[/caption]

As I was going through the search process with my students, I thought of how far they had come in a short time. I thought of how much my perception of what they were capable of doing had changed.

I meant to get my students started learning how to search at the beginning of the year, but for various reasons, I did not.

Since signing up for COETAIL, I have started to push my class forward in their digital literacy skills. We are doing searches as a class, I am having them look for information on their own, we are using technology more in class, and I just joined the Flat Classroom Project.

I am becoming more aware of what my students are capable of, and where I want them to be.