Traveling Tales is a project I've had my eye on for a few years, and now that I have my own class again, I was able to participate.
Traveling Tales uses a five-part story format with each school taking one of the five parts. Our part was the problem in the story, and since we haven't talked about the five-part story format before, there was some front loading to do for this project.
At first there were crickets in the room when we were talking about this. I remember looking at the black faces and thinking I'd made a mistake trying this out. And that was after the technical difficulties.
But after some prompting and discussion, the story clicked with one boy. He used his reading time to get more ideas for the story by reading about different sea animals and taking notes. After reading, he led the class through his idea of what the problem should be.
Now that it's finished, I remember that I forgot to add the annotations in the video. And I now know I need to get that recording box finished.