
Showing posts from February, 2017

Creating a Storyboard From Google Slides

This morning I was asked about a storyboard template for a video project. I happened to have some storyboards on my desk at the time and the teacher said he was looking for something like that. I knew from yesterday that a Google search would give plenty of results for a paper option. Almost a million results! As we continued to talk, however, we agreed that students needed a way to adjust their stories within the storyboard. My recent work in elementary has me seeing the benefits of Google Slides, so I thought of that solution. After thinking about what that might look like, I was uncomfortable with the side panel view of the slides. I know from PowerPoint and Book Creator, having a way to see a "birds eye view" of the document -- especially when slides are image heavy, is more my style. To get an overview of a presentation in #googleslides - go to print preview. Next step - add editing functionality — Thomas Hammerlu...

Design a Flag

In the end, we teachers are really just salespeople. If the students aren't interested in what they are learning, it is harder to motivate them to learn. But when students are eager, there is no stopping them. In our MYP Design course, we aim to push students to use authentic clients. When they have an actual client, the whole design process is actually easier for them since they are able to discuss what the client wants. A few student-created flags. Can you guess where they are from? In the beginning of the year, we used design scenarios - one of which being a Design a Flag scenario I adapted from a 99PI episode on flag design . (And looking at it again, I forgot to have them first design a one-by-one-and-a half inch flag. Note to self.) Some students did pretty well, but those who weren't interested were lost through the whole project. Next time ...  Reflecting on the unit, I wonder how it could have been made more engaging. Could I have had all ...