Monday, February 20, 2017

Creating a Storyboard From Google Slides

This morning I was asked about a storyboard template for a video project. I happened to have some storyboards on my desk at the time and the teacher said he was looking for something like that. I knew from yesterday that a Google search would give plenty of results for a paper option.

Almost a million results!

As we continued to talk, however, we agreed that students needed a way to adjust their stories within the storyboard. My recent work in elementary has me seeing the benefits of Google Slides, so I thought of that solution.

After thinking about what that might look like, I was uncomfortable with the side panel view of the slides. I know from PowerPoint and Book Creator, having a way to see a "birds eye view" of the document -- especially when slides are image heavy, is more my style.


But then I was reminded, how many time have I actually used a storyboard? Has this become a futile exercise that can be eliminated?