Sunday, December 6, 2015

What Makes a Good Day?

This has been sitting in my drafts folder since August. Today I was looking for a post idea and came across this draft called, "What Makes a Good Day?"

It all started one day when I had a meeting to check in with my principal. It was the beginning of the school year, and she asked me how my day was and I replied saying that it had been good.

She replied, "What makes a good day for you?"

I liked this question because it is one of those that turns a question around and forces a thoughtful answer. 

What does this have to do with the post? Nothing except I made it a few years ago and it needs to live somewhere other than a hard drive.

I think I answered something about accomplishing something or helping other teachers.

Now a few months later, and I am completely addicted to the feeling of accomplishment: whether it's making something or helping someone, these are what make my days recently.

And I've been really lucky to be involved with some interesting projects lately. To name a few:

  • The grade 1's wrote stories that went through Book Creator and onto Seesaw and YouTube. Soon students in Australia will be commenting on the stories.
  • A middle school teacher is in the process of gamifying a unit.
  • A grade 4 class has connected with blogging buddies from other schools.
  • Creating a central location where ideas can be shared.
  • Implementing mini-meetings where teachers can bring lesson ideas for peer feedback.
  • Creating a Scope and Sequence of tech skills linked to lesson examples.
  • Designing lessons for classroom use. 

There are days when I go home not feeling good about my day, and those are the ones where I do not cross many tasks off my checklist, but I need to remind myself that a lot these projects are ones that do not get done in a day, and take time.

So what makes a good day for me? I would have to say seeing results.

What makes a good day for you, and how can you make tomorrow a good day?