If Students Aren't Socializing While Using Tech, You're Using It Wrong
The above clip was taken at our Hour of Code event. These first graders were helping each other work through a coding app. They would then periodically cheer when they accomplished something.
While I was watching this, I kept thinking of the editorial in the Washington Post called "I gave my students iPads — then wished I could take them back".
I was biased from the start since I think iPads are a great learning tool. I can see uses for them throughout K-12. If you have the right apps on them - apps that allow for creativity, visual thinking, and flexibility in demonstrating their skills.
- Students should be pushed to share knowledge and teach each other.
- Students should be encouraged to help each other overcome technical challenges (without doing the action for the studetn who needs help).
- Students should be free to express themselves while working, and be free to have a quiet space when they need it.