Understanding by Design Chapter 1
I first read this book in March 2011, which as some people will know, was when Japan was going through a small crisis . I was living in Sendai at the time, but was not on the coast. I think I could get more out of it with a second reading. Note: This website has great information. In fact, there is a ton of UbD information online. Chapter 1 - Backward Design Why backward design? If you don't know where you are going, then any road can get you there. Teaching with the end in sight allows for a focused curriculum. "Curriculum should lay out the most effective ways of achieving specific results." (14) "Too many teachers focus on the teaching, and not on the learning." (15) The Twin Sins of Traditional Design Hands on without being Minds on + Coverage = No guiding intellectual purpose or clear priorities frame the learning experience. (16) Students should be able to answer about activities: (17) What they are doing Why they are doing it Wha...