Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The other day I was feeling extremely baffled with Wordpress. I couldn't figure out how to get it to do things I wanted to do. Editing and moving images around is one big one, getting widgets to work is another. These things I can do in no time using Blogger.

Angry Guy With Axe by jonny_automatic
I have been using Blogger for my personal blog for almost a decade now and it has become almost automatic for me. I know the ins and the outs which allow me to add widgets, links, edit HTML, tweak, mess around, do whatever, however I want.

Earlier this week I got really frustrated with Wordpress. Knowing how to do it with another program, but not being able to replicate it was frustrating. I eventually was able to find a solution with the help of Google and a work-around by switching templates, but the process got me thinking about my own students.

What would they do in that situation?

Would they know to do a search for an answer?
Would they know how?
Could they problem solve to find a work around?
Would they take an ax to the computer?