One thing I have had to learn on my own -- in fact anyone would have to learn this on their own -- is the students vocabulary levels.
After the first few days I saw the they all were having trouble with the words: greater than, less than, equal, before, after, below, and between. Needless to say, without knowing the meanings of words, the math lessons involving those terms were difficult for all in the classroom.
I am thinking of next week getting them to know and understand those words more fully. As a start, today I had a lesson where I tried to combine manipulatives and the vocabulary.
Say what?
1. I started by giving the ma sheet of paper with some words they were having trouble with.
2. I then played a little word recognition game with them where I said the words and they slapped the word. (No Picture)
3. After that we cut out the words.
4. I then took some small blocks and had them work with partners. I would call out a word and they would show me with the blocks and the word. See below.
This one is "between". |
It was an OK lesson. Reflecting on it right now, I would have them write their own cards. Next time I will also push them to make more sentences.
What else?
Twitter writing tip.
Look for common mistakes or those that interfere most with meaning or organization. Teach those points in a small group.