Monday, September 3, 2012

Just Do It

I don't normally inflate myself or try to point out what I did, but I am going to this time because I want this lesson to stick with me.

That was my idea.

This morning I was talking with the Grade 5-6 guy, and I looked out and noticed the corn was all smashed. We talked about it a little bit, and I mentioned, in my mind at least I don't remember if I had said it out loud or not, that he should take his kids out and look at it.

He did. I didn't.

From what I saw it was awesome. His kids were engaged. They had fun. They learned. We did a math assessment - that we didn't even finish.

Now, my class of Grade 1-2s would have had a completely different learning experience. After all, I brought out one of my students and asked him what happened to the corn and he said ants ate it. But I think that we could have learned a lot just asking questions and asking, why?

Here is the exchange I had with him:

Me: Why do you think ants ate it?

Him: Because there are ants there.

Me: Could ants push the corn down?

Him: Yes

At that point I am sure other kids would have challenged him.

I missed one of the greatest teaching chances I have seen in a while, and the lesson I learned today is to never pass up an opportunity like that again.