Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Skills to Create

I was asked recently, "did you do any interesting tech projects over the summer?" 

My initial thought was a resounding, "NO!" But then I thought about it another half second and answered, "Actually, I figured out how to make a puzzle in Google Sheets where every time you answer a question it reveals a part of the picture."

I was thinking of that tonight and was wondering what it would take for a student to do that same thing.

My story is that I found something similar on Instagram. It was linked to a paid site. I wanted the template but didn't want to pay for it, so I thought, "I've been learning a little Google Sheets. I will try to make it myself."

My prototype

How did I do it?

1. I found the post with the template. 
2. I thought I could figure out how to do it myself.
3. I knew it had to use the "IF" function. 
4. I knew how to search for the information I wanted. 
5. Since I couldn't find the exact information I wanted, I had to know enough to make connections to fill in the gaps.
6. Tried and tried until I got it.

What skills and attitudes did I need?

1. Found inspiration
2. Had the confidence I could do it myself.
3. Had prior knowledge
4. Had search skills
5. Application
6. Grit

So if a student were to do the same task they would need to ...

1. Find the inspiration (be curious)
2. Have confidence in their own ability
3. Have prior knowledge
4. Have basic research skills
5. Be able to apply information
6. Have grit

I suppose finding inspiration was also curiosity since I did follow that account.

It is also interesting to see what kinds of PYP ATL skills they need.

1. Gathering & Recording
2. Evaluation
4. Consuming & Processing
5. Application
6. Resilience

I don't know - I don't really have a good one for #3. But this was an interesting thought exercise. I wonder what it would be like to ask students to do this for an activity. 

1. Write the steps you did.
2. Write the ATL for each step.