Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Audiblogs Went Paid!

I don't blame Audiblogs for going to a pay model. I am just disappointed.

Audiblogs is an extension that will convert web pages to audio. The kicker is that it can then send those audio files as a podcast. I tested it out in the beginning of the summer and enjoyed being able to listen to articles (and PDF documents) instead of sit in front of my screen to read them.

Well, I tried it out today and was met with a paywall. 

I get it. We all need to eat. I am just disappointed (there's that word again) the developers didn't consider a few free articles a month.

I was just about to recommend it to teachers at my school.

Well, a short Google search after that brought me to a bunch of alternatives - many of sites have a feature to download the mp3 file. 

I tried out naturalreaders.com and it seems like a good alternative, but downloading the files costs a fee.