Friday, August 27, 2021

My Advice To A Parent About How To Talk With Their Child About Media Use

Today I spoke with a student's father who is a little distraught over his child's device usage. This was the first of many conversations we will have.

Here is my reply to him.

Hello Mr. Smith,

Thank you again for talking with me today. I just wanted to send a resource to you. 

The first is a family agreement to get a dialog started with Jonny. I recommend going over it with him and making sure you are both on the same page in terms of Jonny's device usage. If he agrees with everything in this contract- great! There is extra space to write in additional ideas.

If there are points of disagreement, that could open a dialog and negotiation where you could ask questions like:
... where good places to use the device. Is the kitchen table OK? The living room? The floor? I recommend that you say the device screen must always be visible.
... when good times to use the device are.
... how the device should be used. Here I would focus on creating rather than consumption. (This would be like doing digital art rather than watching YouTube all the time.)
... what activities are worthwhile when using the computer and which are not so beneficial?

The family agreement might need to be rewritten if you come up with different ideas.

I will continue to look for ways to have more control over what Jonny can do with the computer.

I am looking forward to talking to you again next Friday, September 13 at 9:00 am.

Please let me know if you have any questions before that time,
Tom Hammerlund