Thursday, November 8, 2018

Internet Comments

Good communication offline and online is very similar.

You should be cordial.
You should give compliments.
You should try to keep the conversation going.

What comment would you make about this picture?

Not finding anything in my own files for elementary students, I came up with the following guidelines.

If you are taking the time to write a comment, there must be a reason. Give the author a boost and tell them what caught your attention.

Connection (if possible)
Just like in reading, show a connection from the post to yourself or from another comment in the thread to yourself.

Ask questions in your writing
Conversations are like playing catch with a baseball. The game ends quickly if you don't throw it back. A question is how you can do that in your comments.

Think before you post. 
Ask yourself, is this something I want my parents, teachers, friends, strangers to see? What are the consequences if you post this?


Browsing through my files I found this gem from a friend sent to me a few years ago. I really like the one about proofreading and I think I will add that to what I give my students.

Make a compliment
Add new information
Make a connection
End with a question
Proofread your comment