This first unit has been interesting for me. I am back in the Grade 4 classroom after a six-year hiatus. But what a journey the last 6 years have been! I taught a combined Grade 1-2 class for three years, then an MYP Year 5 class for two, then last year I taught Grade 1. I never would have imagined that path when I moved out of the G4 classroom.
Our first unit has been Who We Are focusing on teaching and learning. The initial idea I had was for the students to share what they learned about themselves after/while doing their Passion Projects. I think that could have worked, but one night, in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep, I had an idea.
Using the image above, students would write the factors that help them learn - external factors on the outside and internal factors on the inside. I am not even sure if "factors" is the right word, it might better be called "traits".
The idea is that this will be an ongoing (living) poster that can be added to and changed over the year.