Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Define Coaching Roles and Responsibilities

Review the possible roles and responsibilities and think about which would make the most sense for you to adopt.

  • Providing just-in-time, just enough advice or training on teaching strategies, or integrating technology.
  • Co-planning technology-rich, active, engaging learning activities with collaborating teachers.
  • Helping teachers adapt and adopt innovative examples of standards-based, technology-rich projects that are relevant to participating teachers.
  • Modeling or team teaching and reflection
  • Observing teachers and encouraging reflection on learning activities

  • Working with fellow teachers and administrators to determine the most appropriate use of coaching resources.
  • Aligning coaching with the existing school professional development initiatives.
  • Coaching one or more teachers consistently over an entire school year.
  • Tracking coaching work using appropriate tools, for example, a log or record of collaboration; and providing coaching program updates as appropriate to peers in the coaching program and to school staff.
  • Engaging administration to support the coaching program as a multi-year investment in teaching and learning improvement.

Which of the above roles and responsibilities would make sense in my situation? I think they could all work. 

For the roles, I am currently doing all of them [until now on a limited scale with certain teachers] but I really need to emphasize reflection next school year. Those reflections will allow teachers to show other teachers what works as well as what doesn't work.

Responsibilities too is an area that I am almost doing all of -- if even on a small scale during the first year. Looking at the responsibilities, the weakest of them has been the communication with administration. This school year, that will be a focus.

As a side note, this year I will put more of an emphasis on collecting data about the coaching program.