Monday, November 9, 2015

Defining Coaching at KAS

Now that structures for the coaching program at KAS have been built, it's time to deliver the message to the teachers and explain what coaching is, can be, and will mean for them.

Victor and I (with Diana's guidance) have decided in this first year of the coaching program to focus on the Tech Ambassadors at KAS. The Tech Ambassador is a team of teachers who are able and willing to help their peers with learning technology. Diana instantly recognized that we have a built-in group of teachers who are willing to take risks. So that's where we are starting.

I spent a lot of time in the past few weeks looking over resources and decided SIS had the most easy-to-follow definition I could find.

Something I am going to work on is creating an elevator pitch I can use to briefly explain the program whenever I am asked about it.

I have done this preparing for job interviews but didn't think of it as an option for explaining what you do until I saw Geoff Derry's post where he mentioned the idea.

So, I spent some time considering my options for the vision statement (the first slide) ...
  • I support teachers by providing advice and in-class support.
  • I help teachers choose appropriate technologies to integrate into their classrooms.
  • I am there to support teachers when they need it providing professional development, in-class support, and act as a silent partner.

... and the coaching cycle ...
  • The coaching cycle follows a lesson or unit through the entire process.
  • The coaching cycle allows the coach to be involved in a lesson or unit from the beginning to the end, helping to increase student outcomes. 
  • The coach helps guide the teacher through the planning process, the delivery of the lesson, and reflects with the teacher on the lesson.