Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Idea People

Bright Idea, by GDJ, via OpenClipArt.org, CC0 1.0

When we started this year, the Victor (Director of Learning Technology) created a Year Road Map that included an idea bucket section. I let all the thoughts that had been rattling around in my head spill out onto the page. That was six months of "heavy" ideas - ideas that did not escape me - laid out on the page.

Since starting I have struggled to implement many of these ideas. In order to carry through with them, and get some started, I have needed the support of others to help me. Without their support, nothing would have been done and the ideas would have stayed as ideas.

Idea people need support. If you are an idea person (and I don't think it's static, people shift between the two sides on a scale) seek out the people who can help make your ideas a reality. Find the space and people that help make your ideas become complete.