Saturday, October 17, 2015

A Little Positivity

So often I focus on my weaknesses and what I did wrong that I forget to reflect on the positives in my days. Today I decided, no forced myself to think of a positive in the past week.

So ...

One morning I went to help a teacher out. He wanted to know how to put pictures together on a page and print them out. I obliged and brought him through using Word, Pages, Google Docs, and Preview.

While we were test printing I asked him what this was for. He told me students need to print out their work.

I understand the thinking behind this ...  I used to teach Grade 1-2. But his students are in high school. So I asked, "Why are you doing all the work for them? Have them put the pictures together in a printable format." I explained to him that the students

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

I'm not sure what is being done about this now, but I felt good about the exchange because while not the best way to put it, I do think I brought up a great point for him.

It was a small thing, but losing track of the small wins can be counterproductive and could stop momentum. Celebrate the small wins, learn from the learning opportunities [less than successes], and move on.