Monday, September 7, 2015

Week 1 Performance Task

Share your thoughts on the process of selecting a colleague to work with, including at least one goal for your work with this colleague over the next six weeks.

crossposted on the Eduro coaching forum.

Before I started my journey in my new position at a new school, I was able to connect with some teachers. One of these teachers is currently enrolled in COETAIL, and when I get to the school, he immediately reached out for help with his Course 5 project. He has a very interesting project set up.

When it came time for this week’s performance task, he seemed like a natural fit since we have been working together anyway. I was also interested in working with this particular teacher since he teaches high school English -- a subject that I know little about -- and the secondary English department has started a blogging initiative for students grades seven to twelve.

The teacher I am working will be an interesting match for me: he is in the high school division whereas I have an elementary background, he has much more teaching experience than I do, and he is just an interesting fellow that will be fun to work with. In addition, if his experience is positive, I believe he will make for a good proponent.

Just having the role of “Technology Coach” causes people to have predispositions about me and what I do, one of which is that I will always be looking at technology. While that is something I will look at, I am more interested in seeing what teaching practices will have a more positive effect on student learning outcomes.