Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Power of Music

I love music. I have been listening to music and have enjoyed singing for as long as I can remember. I picked up the guitar in college, and for several years in my twenties, I was in a band. Music has played a significant role in my life.

I know the power of music and I wanted to incorporate it more into my teaching this year. I have done more singing and dancing with my students, but wanted to write some memoriable and catchy songs related to our units. Easier said than done.

Now we are looking at the Earth and learning about the continents. The studnets had been having trouble remembering their names and suddenly I remembered that there is a continents song. I went on Youtube and found it. I am amazed at how much they like it, and how quickly they remembered the vocabulary.

I really need to write a song for my next unit.