Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Are you Ready? I Am

It was a long and tiring day followed by a meeting. In the meeting I was being told how to fill out an expense report that I did not understand, and I was so tired that I felt like just doing it and then asking questions later.

While I was walking out of the building I wondered how many times my students felt like I did. I wondered what are some things to look for in the students to see when they are zapped? I wondered what are some good educational activities for really tired kids.

This afternoon I experienced some zapped kids in my own classroom. I have been trying this year to give my students a little more breathing room, so today I gave them the last 30 minutes to read. In hindsight, I think I should have had them play some games.

How often do I try to push when they are not ready only because I am running on my own schedule?