The Cost of Education
I am interested in studying ESL as a postgraduate degree. I am at least looking into some sort of ESL credential since certificates are a big deal here in Japan. Last week I opened my Gmail inbox to find a MAT advertisment at the top of my new emails. I usually ignore them, but this one was from USC. So I emailed the recruiter asking for more information. After getting a reply, I asked if they had some sort of ESL program, and they do. The next day my wife told me she looked into it and said that the program costs $40,000. I told her there was no way that it cost that much. It is only a one year program after all. I went to my computer and emailed the recruiter and sure enough, the total comes out to just over $40,000. I guess that I am living as if it is still 1999, but who can afford $40,000 for one year of education? This has me rethinking how I will get ESL certification. Maybe I should just take several courses as I have the experience working with non-native English spe...