I have been thinking about using Sites in class for the majority of the year. My own philosophy is to create lessons in Slides so they can be reused in the future. In my school, most teachers write their content directly into the Site - which can be OK, but something isn't working.
"It's so confusing. It's not just this class, it's all classes. I don't know what to do."
This is what I heard from a student in one of the MYP classes I support.
The overall look of most class Sites is pretty good. However, I think there are still a few missing pieces to supporting student understanding.
I would suggest the following changes:
- The Unit Title, Statement of Inquiry, and ATL Skills at the top of each page.
- Control the flow of the lesson - easy to understand.
- Use a Google Slide deck for your lessons.
- Add a Google Form to collect feedback. This could be next to each day's lesson like in Alice Keeler's example here.
- Consistency between classes.
- Make links obvious by changing the color or font size.
This is something I will need to think more about.