Thursday, September 2, 2021

A Loose Parts Story

Last week I was outside with the early years students and saw an awesome example of Loose Parts Play unfold. While I saw it unfold, it is not surprising it did unfold for the teacher has made loose parts play a part of his curriculum so it has been set up to happen.

In the beginning ...

Parts were gathered and brought into school. The parts were set out for the students to play with. They included: blocks, nails and screws, tents, and wood pallets.

The students were able to gravitate to the things they wanted to play with and who they wanted to play with. 

One student started building with the pallets.

Another student joined in.

More students joined in.

The teacher saw the interest of the students and stepped in to help make the structure more safe.

In the end ...

They had created a new flexible playspace. They had already started adding new parts to it when my time with them was finished.