Monday, December 3, 2018

Laughing Together

Today my class and I were discussing my small moment story. We were talking about the scenes in a story that can help you understand a character's motivations.

I was using my small moment story as an example and I talked about how I needed a bottle to wash away my dog's pee on the street.

Well, that set them off laughing, and since they were sitting on the carpet in front of me, rolling on the ground. And this happened every time I said the word pee.

So I tried to say it more.

So here I was, at the end of the day, 18 fourth graders in front of me, rolling on the floor laughing uncontrollable belly-laughs, erupting, again and again, each time I said the word pee and I tried to use it as much as I could.

This was back in October, but I still think back on this afternoon as one of the highlights of the year so far.