A Meeting With a Parent of an Internet-Addicted Child
A parent of mine recently reached out to tell me that his kid has an internet addiction problem. I knew I would get an email or a question like this sometime. I have given advice before, but it was either to parents of early-elementary students or in my role as tech coach. Ideally, when parents have young kids they will stop using their phone or iPad as a pacifier to make their kids behave or be quiet. I also think parents should use the internet together with their children to show them how to use it properly -- how to know when to stop, how to know what scams look like, how to know how to search, how to know how they can use the internet for work and not just consuming information and share out their achievements, and how to communicate like a citizen ... But that is a goal too lofty for most parents who don't know or do many of those things themselves. I really need to start talking with my own students more about balance and both the positive and negative effects of tec...