I fear the additional burden the would place on teachers and I wonder if teachers would even be interested in this.
The most precious of resources we have is time. And there is never enough of it.
Today I listened to the Every Classroom Matters podcast. The topic was reflection with George Couros. He quoted John Dewey:
“We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.
When I brought this idea up to Victor, he suggested even devoting workshop time to use for teachers to reflect on their blogs.
How great would it be to have a period of 30 minutes to:
- put thoughts down in writing?
- consider alternate ways of improving a lesson?
- write a blog post for parents to read about what's going on in the class?
We have students reflect on their learning all the time, what might it look like if teachers took more time to do the same?
Edit: George Couros just published a relevant blog post called Do I Have Time For That?
Edit: George Couros just published a relevant blog post called Do I Have Time For That?