Monday, August 31, 2015

Coaching Beliefs

After being hired I read a lot about coaching and came away with a few tenants of what I believe coaching is about (and I am looking forward to changing this list in the future):

- Coaching is about relationships. 
You aren't going to want to work with someone you don't like. You won't learn from someone you don't trust. I have the great fortune to work with and teach great people.

- Coaches should make learning and teaching visible.
Since am in and out of classrooms more than anyone else in the school, I have an opportunity to highlight what is happening in the school. I am looking forward to developing this further.

- Coaches need to be visible. 
In my short time on the job so far, I have found it very beneficial to walk around in the mornings so teachers can see me. They don't always have the time to make a call or send an email to get me, but if they see me, they are more likely to grab me in the hall. Maybe the title of this section should have been "Teachers are busy - go to where they are".

- Meet teachers where they are.
Teacher A has been flipping class for years. Teacher B is having difficulty navigating Google Drive. Both need different kinds of support.