This Is Disgusting ... But It's Fun
I walked into the PTA room the other day and saw a garbage can overfilled with all kinds of garbage in mixed together. On top of it all were a few plastic bottles and I thought, we need to get in this garbage. I took the garbage out of their room, and brought it into my classroom one afternoon. The next morning when the students came in, they saw the bag of smelliness in the front of the classroom. Why is that in here? What is that? Who forgot their garbage in our classroom? I was asked a flurry of questions, but before answering them, I asked them what they saw. Garbage! Trash! Junk! Then I asked them again to look closer, and to find a partner and do a Think, Pair, Share. From this, I started getting observations about the plastic bottles, recycling, and someone may have seen a piece of paper in there somewhere. Then I asked what we could do about it. Someone said we should recycle the bottles. So I asked about the paper. They agreed we should recycle that too...