Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Asking Questions and Showing Your Answers

This year I have been trying to place an emphasis on questioning; both for myself and for my students.

When we have Show and Tell time and the speaker asks if there are any questions, there is always someone who says "I like that."

Is this one of my first graders?

So I am getting more practice in with simply asking questions.

For our current unit, our math focus is graphing. This is giving us a lot of practice asking questions when we survey other students.

To start with I am having the students do a one question bar graph. So today they brainstormed what question related to families they wanted to ask. After some students had already gotten up and started their surveys, one student was still sitting at his table.

I asked him what he was doing. He looked at me and he said, "I am thinking."

Think away.

A dragon watches over us.