
Showing posts from January, 2025

Take a Pause when Things Get Nuts

Photo by  Adam Birkett  on  Unsplash In the beginning of my career, my default classroom strategy was from a les of power. I was the teacher, the students were students, they should listen to me. End of story. Now that I am further along in my career, I would love to write that I have all the answers, but that's not true. I do have a tendency to resort to that dictator when I am stressed. This happened a few weeks ago. When this happens, I feel awful. It is also not effective. I find that students at this school at this time are less likely to respond to that way as well. - Well, when it comes from me. It's not my nature to be like that. One thing I have found to be effective is to open my computer and start writing a behavior note. I usually look up at the student while I am doing it and sometimes they notice, but more often, they calm down when they notice they are not getting a response. This morning I listened to an episode of the Cult of Pedagogy Podcast that talked ...