At OYIS, we use a Google Form to collect data about students with concerns. This helps admin, coordinators, learning support, and teachers to see, as a community, which students are coming up on our collective radar. It shows us frequency of submission and why the submission was made. This can inform how we talk with teachers during our collaboration meetings.
On the form we have teachers fill out, we have a field asking for more details on the concern. This field includes the following, and this was recommended by our Head of Inclusion when she came to our school.
This allows teachers to quickly choose one by clicking a button. If there is a need to add more context, the teacher can add a comment at the bottom.
I experimented a little last year with making the categories a little more dynamic. The idea was to analyze the data every month and then put the most frequent responses in the list for the next month.
That hasn't happened yet, but as I write this, I wonder if that is the best approach.