Starting the Inquiry with Background Knowledge
Patrick Tomasso I was listening to the Principal Center Podcast and the guest was talking about reading comprehension and how students need background knowledge. Cool. I can give students more background knowledge, I thought. [Principal Center Radio Podcast – The Principal Center] Natalie Wexler—The Knowledge Gap: The Hidden Cause of America’s Broken Education System—And How To Fix It #principalCenterRadioPodcastThePrincipalCenter via @PodcastAddict — Thomas Hammerlund (@thammerlund) October 5, 2019 Then today I was attending a PYP Workshop on assessment and the ATLs. We did an activity on the skill [ATL] of observation. We observed raisins moving up and down in a glass of 7-Up. The words and concepts we were using (ie, surface tension, carbon dioxide, buoyancy, floating, sinking, absorbing, etc.) would be really challenging/impossible for an EAL student to come up with or describe. This had me thinking abo...