This year I have tried to keep up with all the great learning that is happening in the building, but it has been hard. I have an idea for next year where other teachers would write their own posts describing the great things they are doing in their classrooms. I fear the additional burden the would place on teachers and I wonder if teachers would even be interested in this. The most precious of resources we have is time. And there is never enough of it. Today I listened to the Every Classroom Matters podcast. The topic was reflection with George Couros . He quoted John Dewey: “We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience. When I brought this idea up to Victor, he suggested even devoting workshop time to use for teachers to reflect on their blogs. How great would it be to have a period of 30 minutes to: put thoughts down in writing? consider alternate ways of improving a lesson? write a blog post for parents to read about what's go...