Saturday, April 30, 2016

Digital Tattoo

The Digital Tatoo.

I've used it as a metaphor before. 

I've lectured about it. 

My intent was to have students THINK before they posted to the internet. I told them we don't know how their information will be used in the future. I still believe that. I don't want them to do things now that they regret in the future. 

A few things about this:

1. I want students to take risks. 
I am torn between the belief school is a place to fail and make mistakes you can learn from, allowing students to redo assignments and quizzes, and motivating them to try harder the first time around. 

If I am scaring them with the image of a permanent tattoo, why would they take risks with their learning?

2. Rewriting information
In my talk, I briefly spoke about how it is possible to change what the information people can search about you by creating more content and continually striving to improve the content so the best rises to the top of the search results. I am glad that I work at a school that believes in giving students a chance to create digital portfolios of their work throughout their school careers.

3. Changing attitudes
Currently we believe that teenagers inappropriate posts will be held against them, but I am starting to think this won't be the case. I forgot who said it (Dana Boyd perhaps?) just as we have witnessed a shift in attitudes about drug use by presidential candidates, I believe people in the future will only look at the recent posts (one year?) to judge a person's behavior.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Great by Choice: Chapter 1

It's always possible to go from good to great. (p. 8)

Not a lot happened in this chapter, but there were several previews of myths the researchers dispelled.

  • Successful leaders are bold, risk-seeking visionaries.
  • Innovation distinguishes successful companies.
  • You're either quick or you're dead.
  • Radical change on the outside means radical change on the inside.
  • Success means you had a lot of good luck.

So what does this mean for educators?

Combining "creativity with discipline" (p. 10) would allow for someone to succeed - and more. Creativity seems to be the key.

Enough rambling.