
Showing posts from February, 2024

Making a Student Lookup System

Over the Winter Break, I was possessed. I spent too much time analyzing the data for our Inclusion [Support] Team. I did one thing, then thought of another, and xxx hours later, I had an awesome thing. It was exactly what I needed.  Then I broke it. Now I am trying to recreate what I did and I cannot remember how I set up the formulas. I am going to try to keep notes here for the future. In the Student Lookup, you would choose the section, or programme (PYP, MYP, DP), then that would filter the Grades in each section. The grade would then filter the student names in that specific grade.  Below are the steps I took to make it on the dashboard page.  Get a UNIQUE list of students Find their Grades Count the number of academic vs behavioral concerns Find the student section - = INDEX ( FILTER ( 'sheeetname!$C$2:$C , 'Form Responses 1'!$E$2:$E = B5 ) , 1 ) Find the concerns  - = SPLIT ( TEXTJOIN ( "," , TRUE , UNIQUE ( 'sheetname'!J2:J ) ) , ",...

Creating a Student Lookup in Google Sheets

The idea of a student lookup system has been rattling around in my head for a few years. I started this in Google Data Studio, but Data Studio started changing and I couldn't keep up. Data Studio became Looker and now four years later, it looks completely different than it did. I have been playing with Google Sheets for a few years, and when I came to our Sheet with PYP student data, I could see that some of the data, like reading levels, was something that was outdated for most students on one sheet, but on another was kept up-to-date (EAL). The original sheet I started with the reading data and found that I could use VLOOKUP to connect the above sheet to the EAL sheet. The formula I used pulled the reading data from the EAL sheet and keeping our sheet updated. I also started looking for other pieces of information I could keep updated with a formula.  This got the ideas flowing and I put my homeroom teacher hat on. I wondered what I would want to see as a homeroom teacher for a s...

Visualizing Student Support Data with Google Sheets

 In the beginning I joined the [formerly-called] SEN team last year. The team was using anecdotal records for their data collection. The issue was that it was kind of a black box -immediately I wondered how I would know if the strategies I was using with students in my care were helping them reach their goals. Last year, I helped the team reimagine some ways to collect data on student behavior through the use of rubrics, checklists, and goal trackers. We also had teachers write anecdotal notes about students while observing their behavior. This year, the school created a new position, inclusion support coordinator. The first thing she did when she came in was to ask how we could collect data from teachers more easily. I was elated to hear this and suggested we use a Google Form that could be easily bookmarked to the browser, so that's what we did. She pushed teachers to use it when they suspected academic or behavioral issues with students. We also did away with the former ways of ...