Reflections on a Computational Thinking After School Club
I have always enjoyed doing after-school clubs. I think it is a great way for students to explore their passions and it gives the teacher and student a different way of relating to each other. I am always thinking of different clubs to facilitate and I usually do this by surveying the students to see what they are interested in. Earlier this year I was looking to code a game for a phone. Looking online I came across GDevelop5. It is a game development program. After using it for a while and seeing that there are many tutorials available, I thought it would be a good thing to introduce to the students. So, I used that as the backdrop to the club. I called it "Coding Games on a MacBook" so that only Grade 5 and 6 students would join. (We are 1:1 starting in G5). The Plan The plan was for them to work on the space shooter game. I chose this one because it had a tutorial and I had some experience with it. Students would follow a tutorial and build their game. I would be on hand...