
Showing posts from December, 2020

Advice for Home Computer Use

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash Probably not the best choice to leave a cup of coffee next to a running computer. When I first started teaching, it was rare that one of my fourth graders had a cell phone. Now it seems rare when they don't - at least I expect them to say that have one. Children today have increasing access to more technology than ever before. Which leads to a question: Who actually teaches them how to use the devices they have properly? I am hoping to write out my thoughts here for how our school approaches it so parents can try to follow a similar approach at home. If children hear a consistent message and see that adults are working in tandem, they are more likely to follow. “Digital citizenship education should be a community effort. The impact will be more powerful when students have multiple trusted adults they can discuss issues with, and when they're hearing the same messages reinforced from both home and school.” δΈ€ JILL FELTY Technology Integration Fa...