How Much Choice is Too Much?
Advanced PHP #KAStw A photo posted by Thomas Hammerlund (@thomashammerlund) on Sep 21, 2016 at 12:24am PDT The above picture was taken during the "maker club" activity I am supervising. It is an after school activity where students can work on what they are interested in within certain parameters. One of them is coding, and the above student was working on a website for a client of his. Yes, a client. This student freelances as a web designer. I am sure he does more. He has presented at technology conferences because he is an expert on internet security. He is also in my MYP Design class. During the maker space time, I asked what he was working on and he told me. After thinking about it for a little while, I wondered if he might rather work on his own projects during class. He would still need to do the things he would normally have to do for a design project - he would just be doing a different project. I asked him if he would be interested in tryin...